Category: Inaguration

Inaguration Ceremony of Quartly Children’s Magazine “Ama Kunakuni” Puja Issue.

Inaguration Ceremony of Quartly Children’s Magazine “Ama Kunakuni” Puja Issue. Talcher((Date 27.10.2024)Talcher’s leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library has dedicated the quarterly children’s magazine ‘Aam Kunakuni’ Puja Issue to the public. The program was held under the chairmanship of Professor Shantanu Kumar Sar, President of the Angul branch of the Sambad Sahitya Ghar Angul Branch and Former Chairman of Angul Autonomous College. The program was inaugurated by prominent social worker Gayatri Das, the chief guest was Sharla Award-winning Auther Sarojini Sahoo, the guest of honor was distinguished writer and translator Mr.Dinesh Mali, IIM, Sambalpur professor and eminent writer Mr.Sujit Praseth, Professor Asim Ranjan Padhi, Head of the Department of English, Utkal University, Eminent writer Mrs.Golap Manjari Kar and Secretary of Sambad Sahitya Ghar,Angul branch Mr. Arun Sahoo made major contributions.