Inaguration of “Ama Kunakuni” Makar Issue Talcher (Dt.10/02/2025)- The quarterly children’s magazine ‘Aam Kunakuni’, published by Talcher’s leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library, has been dedicated to the public by the eve of Makar Sankranti. The death anniversary of Utkal Gaurav Madhusudan Das was organized by Southbalanda Sambad Sahitya Ghara on the premises of Kalamachhuin Saraswati Sishu Vidya Mandir. The program was held under the chairmanship of Sahitya Ghar President Mr. Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo. Utkal Sammilani, Angul District Branch President Professor Biswaranjan Pradhan were the chief guests, literary writer Tretananda Samanta and Kalamachhuin Sishu vidya Mandir Pradhan Acharya Mr.Anil Kumar Dehuri were the guests of honor. On this occasion, the guests launched the Makar Issue of the quarterly children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni”. The editor of the magazine, Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, along with Hingula Library Treasurer Dayanidhi Sahoo and senior member Panchanan Behera were prominently present on the occasion. With an attractive cover, captivating illustrations and writings by renowned children’s writers of Odisha, this Issue will be appreciated by children and teenagers, said the editor of the magazine, Mr. Bibhuti Bhusan Swain.
Republic Day celebrated at Hingula Library. Talcher (Dt-27.01.2025)-The 76th Republic Day was celebrated at the premises of Maa Hingula Library, a leading voluntary organization in Kalamachhuin G.P, Talcher Block. Er. Himanshu Bhushan Swain was the chief guest, and the library’s senior advisors, Mr. Dibakar Barik and Prabhakar Pradhan, were the guests of honor. The guests hoisted the national flag in the presence of students of Kalamachhuin Saraswati Sishu Vidyamandir. Library President Hadibandhu Pradhan, Secretary Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, Treasurer Dayanidhi Sahoo, senior members of the library Panchanan Behera, Satyaswarup Swain, Priyanshu Shekhar Swain, Suryanshu Shekhar Swain were prominently present and contributed to the program.
Children’s Literary Writer Bibhuti Swain Awarded Best Editor Award. Talcher (Dt.12.11.2024)- Children’s literary genius Bibhuti Swain of Kalamachhuin village, Talcher block has been awarded the ‘Chandrama Children’s Magazine Best Editor Award-2024’. The 20th Swanakshatra Jayanti of the quarterly children’s magazine “Naba Aakashra Chandrama” was held at the Pabitra Mohan High School,Kanhia campus. Senior children’s literary genius Nirbhaya Kumar Pani presided over the event. The guests included fiction writer Siddhi Prasad Sahu, educationist Dhaneshwar Sahu, social worker Hadibandhu Pradhan and editor of Chandrama magazine Mr. Buddhadeb Sethi. The chief guest felicitated the children’s literary luminary Bibhuti Swain with a certificate and a medal for his contribution to education, literature, social service, organizational skills and editing of the quarterly children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni”. Shri Swain is the founder editor of Talcher’s leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library and is working with various social organizations. Shri Swain has been congratulated from various quarters for his success.
Inaguration Ceremony of Quartly Children’s Magazine “Ama Kunakuni” Puja Issue. Talcher((Date 27.10.2024)Talcher’s leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library has dedicated the quarterly children’s magazine ‘Aam Kunakuni’ Puja Issue to the public. The program was held under the chairmanship of Professor Shantanu Kumar Sar, President of the Angul branch of the Sambad Sahitya Ghar Angul Branch and Former Chairman of Angul Autonomous College. The program was inaugurated by prominent social worker Gayatri Das, the chief guest was Sharla Award-winning Auther Sarojini Sahoo, the guest of honor was distinguished writer and translator Mr.Dinesh Mali, IIM, Sambalpur professor and eminent writer Mr.Sujit Praseth, Professor Asim Ranjan Padhi, Head of the Department of English, Utkal University, Eminent writer Mrs.Golap Manjari Kar and Secretary of Sambad Sahitya Ghar,Angul branch Mr. Arun Sahoo made major contributions.
Distrubuted Study Material by Maa Hingula Library. Talcher(Dt.07.10.2024)- Maa Hingula Library, A leading voluntary organization in Kalamachhuin Panchayat of Talcher Block, has distributed Study materials to the students of Khamar Primary School under Gopalprasad Panchayat. The program was presided over by the headmistress of the school, Mamata Dehuri. The Honourable guests of the Programme were Mr.Prabhakar Pradhan, senior advisor of the library, Hadibandhu Pradhan, president and treasurer Dayanidhi Sahoo. On this occasion, the library distributed the textbook Chhabila Madhu Barnabodh along with the notebook, pen, pencil, ereser, etc. to 37 students of the school. The program was conducted by the Secretary of the library, Mr.Bibhuti Bhusan Swain. On this occasion, the quarterly children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni”, which is published by the library, was presented to the school library by the editor Shri Swain. School teacher Kailashini Panna and Anganwadi worker Ayutha Dehuri collaborated in organizing the program. Finally, the Secretary of the library, Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, proposed the vote of thanks to all.
Hingula Library honored in the eve of Nuakhai Bheta Ghat. Talcher (Dt.29.09.2024)-Maa Hingula Library, a leading voluntary organization in Kalamchhuin village of Talcher block, has been honored on the occasion of Nuakhai Bhetghat celebration. Nuakhai Bhetghat celebration was held at the Boinda Kalyani Mandap premises on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Ashahaya Shahayata Samiti, one of the voluntary organizations of Boinda of Athamallik Block.The program was presided over by the president of the organization, Mr. Kshirendra Mohan Dehuri. Athamallik MLA Er.Nalini Kant Pradhan was the chief guest, Kishorenagar Block President Saalendri Pradhan, District Council President Babita Pradhan, District Council members Anupama Sahu, Vishnupriya Pradhan and social worker Ranjit Patnaik were prominent guests. On this occasion, the Chief Guest Shri Pradhan honored the Maa Hingula Library with a bouquet of flowers and a memento for its outstanding contribution to education and various social welfare works. The Library’s President Mr.Hadibandhu Pradhan and Secretary Mr. Bibhuti Bhusan Swain were present to receive the award.
Hingula Library provides assistance to a helpless woman. Talcher (Dt.23.06.2024)-Maa Hingula Library, a leading voluntary organization of Kalamachhuin village, Talcher block, has provided assistance to a helpless family. The organization has provided food items like chuda, rice, dali, biscuits, etc. to a helpless widow woman Anjali Behera and her family living in ward number 11 of Talcher Municipality. The organization’s Secretary Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, Treasurer Dayanidhi Sahoo, members Panchanan Behera and Deepak Kumar Behera met the helpless family and expressed their condolences and provided relief. Social Worker Bapi Mohanty of Talcher block was present at the time of providing this assistance. Maa Hingula Library has been publicly praised for providing assistance to a helpless family.
Children’s literary writer Bibhuti Bhusan Swain has been awarded the best editor award. Talcher(Dt.29.01.2024) – Children’s literary writer Bibhuti Bhusan Swain of Kalamchhuin village, Talcher block has been awarded the state-level best editor award. A state-level memorial program was held in Dhenkanal district headquarters block Biradia on the occasion of the first death anniversary of prominent poet and organizer Pandit Minoranjan Nanda. Renubala Smriti Sansad president Auksha Mishra presided over the event. Pandit Pramod Kumar Nanda was the chief guest, Dr. Pratimarani Mishra Sadangi, Kananbala Patnaik, Rajiv Kumar Sadangi, Swati Mohapatra, state president of the organization Sudhra Nanda and state editor Manas Nanda were present on the main stage. The chief guest honored the children’s literary gwriter Bibhuti Swain with a certificate, a medal and a bouquet of flowers for his contribution to education, literature, organizational skills and editing the quarterly children’s magazine Ama Kunakuni. Shri Swain is the founder editor of Maa Hingula Library, a leading voluntary organization in Talcher. Shri Swain has been congratulated from various quarters for his success.
Children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni” presented to the Governor Talcher(Dt.06.12.2023) – His Excellency the Governor of Odisha, Raghubar Das, on Wednesday visited the goddess Maa Hingula, the patron saint of Talcher, and sought her blessings. On this occasion, the Sharadiya edition of the children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni”, published by the leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library, was presented to His Excellency the Governor. Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, founder and editor of Maa Hingula Library, was presented the magazine to the Governor. Talcher MLA Brajkishore Pradhan, Talcher Sub Collector Mr. Manoj Kumar Tripathy, all members of the Maa Hingula Thakurani Trust Board were present.
Children’s magazine “Aam Kunakuni” Inaguration by Union Minister for Education Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan. New Delhi(dt. 18.09.2023) – The first issue of the second year of the quarterly children’s magazine “Ama Kunakuni”, published by the leading voluntary organization Maa Hingula Library, was launched by the Union Minister for Education, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan at his residence in New Delhi. On this occasion, the editor of the magazine Bibhuti Bhusan Swain, President of the library Mr.Hadibandhu Pradhan, members of the library Kamalini Behera, Satyaswarup Swain, Swasthirupa Pradhan, Shaktirupa Pradhan and Sujata Swain were prominently present. Union Minister Shri Pradhan praised the magazine for a beautiful cover and attractive layout.